সাধারন নিয়মঃ
1) বাক্যের subject
যদি third person ও singular
number হয় তাহলে present
indefinite tense এ verb
এর সাথে s/es হয় । কিন্তু অন্য কোন Tense
এ রকম হয় না ।
যেমন: সে ভাত খায় -
He eats rice. সে নাচে-
She dances.
কিন্তু subject
third person হয়েও যদি plural
number (বহুবচন)
হয় তাহলে verb
এর সাথে s/es যুক্ত হয় না। যেমন:
তাহারা ভাত খায় -
They eat rice.
2. Present indefinite Tense এর বাক্যের subject third person ও singular
number হলেও বাক্যটি
যদি negative হয় তাহলে তাতে does not ব্যবহৃত হয় এবং তখন verb এর সাথে s/es হয় না। যেমন:
He goes to school. (affirmative)
3. Past or future Tense হলে verb এর সাথে s/es যুক্ত হয় না । সেক্ষেত্রে সেই Tense
এর structure অনুযায়ী verb বসবে ।
4. Modal verb যেমন: can, could, may, might, shall, should, will, would, dare, need, ought to, have to, must এর পরে verb এর সাথে কোন কিছু যোগ না হয়ে verb এর present form বসবে । যেমন: তোমার কাজটি করা উচিত - You should do the work.
5. yesterday,
ago, last week, last month/year, day before yesterday (গত পরশু দিন) ইত্যাদি word বাক্যে ব্যবহৃত হয়ে যদি কাজটি ঐ সময়
হয়েছিল বুঝায় তাহলে verb এর past form ব্যবহত হয় । বাংলা বাক্যটিতে verb
এর রুপ present
এর মত মনে হলেও ইংরেজীতে verb
এর past form ব্যবহার করতে হয় । যেমন:
সুজন গতকাল বাড়ী এসেছে -
Sujon came home yesterday. আমি গত বছর ভারত গিয়েছিলাম - I went India last year.
6. অনেকক্ষণ ধরে
একটি কাজ চলছে এরূপ বুঝাতে for এবং অনেক আগের কোন একটি মুহূর্ত থেকে একটি কাজ চলছে এই
অর্থে since ব্যবহৃত হলে তার পূর্ববর্তী verb এর present perfect continuous tense হয়। যদি verb না থেকে কোন Adjective
থাকে তাহলে তার পূর্বে have
been / has been (present perfect tense) বসে। যেমন:
He is ill (adjective) for two months.(সে দুই মাস যাবত অসুস্থ)
Cort:-He has been ill for two months.
7. Since এর দুই পাশে যদি
দুটি ছোট বাক্য অথবা clause থাকে তাহলে প্রথম বাক্যটির verb হবে present
perfect Tense এর এবং এবং
দ্বিতীয় বাক্যটির verb হবে past indefinite.
যেমন: ✘Inc:-
Ten years passed since he has left the village. (দশ বছর হল সে গ্রাম ছেড়েছে), ✔
Cort:-Ten years have passed since he left the village.
8. Since যখন Adverb হিসাবে বসে ago
(আগে) এর মত অর্থ প্রকাশ করে তখন এই since
এর আগে একটি Adverb
of time বসে এবং verb
এর past
indefinite Tense হয়। যেমন:
I have seen my wife long since (ago). (অনেক আগে আমি আমার বউকে দেখেছিলাম)
Cort:- I saw my wife long since (ago)
লক্ষ্য কর: এখানে long
since এর আগে adverb
of time হিসাবে বসেছে ।
9. Before মানে হল "আগে" । এর আগে verb এর past perfect tense (had + verb এর past participle) বসে । আবার after মানে হল "পরে" । এরপরে past perfect tense (had + verb এর past participle) বসে। যেমন: ডাক্তার আসার আগে রোগীটি মারা গেল: The patient had died before the doctor came, ডাক্তার আসার পরে রোগীটি মারা গেল: The patient died after the doctor had come
10. বর্তমানে কোন কাজ সম্পন্ন হয়েছে এরুপ অনুমান বুঝালে তখন verb এর future perfect tense (Subject + shall / will + have + verb (past participle). যেমন: সে হয়ত (নিশ্চিত অনুমান) এতক্ষনে বরিশাল পৌছে গেছে - He will have reached barishal by this time.
11. Lest দ্বারা দুটি clause
যুক্ত হলে পরবর্তী clause
এর verb এর আগে should বসে । ঐ verb টির negative
রুপ ব্যবহার করা যায় না। যেমন:
Run fast lest (পাছে,
নইলে) you should
miss the train.
Work hard lest you will fail.
Work hard lest you should fail.
12. অতীতকালের
সম্ভাবনা প্রকাশ করতে (এরকম হ'তে হত বা ঘটত - ইত্যাদি) would
have + verb এর past
participle ব্যবহৃত হয়।
যেমন: If you had not helped me, I would have failed in the
13. অতীতকালে কোন কাজ ঘটেছে এরুপ নিশ্চিত অনুমান বুঝাতে must have + verb এর past participle ব্যবহৃত হয়। যেমন: He didn't go to school yesterday, He must have been ill.
14. কোন কামনা (wish,
desire) বুঝাতে subject
এর আগে may বসে । এমন বাক্যটিকে বলে optative
sentence. যেমন:
May you be happy - তুমি
সুখী হও ।
15. As if, as though দ্বারা
দুইটি clause যুক্ত হলে প্রথম clause টির verb present tense এর হলেও পরবর্তী clause
টির verb এর past
indefinite tense হয়। যেমন:
He talks as if he were (was নয়) mad - সে পাগলের মত কথা বলে ।
16. A). No
sooner had +sub + verb (past participle) + than + Past indefinite tense.
B). Scarcely had + sub + verb (past participle) + When + Past indefinite tense.
C). Hardly had + sub + verb (past participle) + When + Past indefinite tense. যেমন: আমি স্টেশনে পৌছতে না পৌছতেই ট্রেন ছেড়ে
দিল - No sooner had I reached the station than the train left
(past form).
এডভান্স নিয়মঃ
Subject যদি third
person singular number হয়
এবং উক্ত বাক্যটি যদি Present indefinite tense হয় তবে verb- এর সহিত s/es যোগ হবে।
(a) The boy (go)—to school
regularly. (goes)
✐Rule-2: Present
indefinite tense-এ Subject
third person singular number হওয়া সত্ত্বেও can, must, should এর পরে verb- এর সহিত s/es যোগ হবে না।
(a) The man can (do)—the work.
Ans:- The man can do the work.
Sentence যদি universal
truth (চিরন্তন সত্য),
Habitual fact (অভ্যাসগত কর্ম)
ইত্যাদি বুঝায় তাহলে sentenceটি Present
Indefinite Tense হয়। যেমন:
(a) The earth (move)—round the sun.
যেসব Sentence-এ কোনো সময়ের উল্লেখ থাকে না এবং
মাঝেমধ্যে generally, usually, ordinarily,
normally, always, Sometimes, Often, daily, everyday, regularly, ব্যবহ্নত হয় সেগুলো Present
Ind. Tense হয়। যেমন:
Sabiha (learn)—her lessons
regularly. (learns)
✐ Rule-5:
Sentence টি Active
Voice হলে can,
could, may, might, shall, should, will, would, must, need, dare, used to, ought
to প্রভৃতি Modal
Auxiliary Verb-এর পরে present
form হয়। যেমন: (a) The boy can (work
out)—the sum. ✔
Ans:- The boy can work out the sum.
Sentenceটি Passive
Voice হলে can,
could, may, might, shall, should, will, would, must, need, dare, used to, ought
to প্রভৃতি Modal
Auxiliary Verb-এর পরে be+
Verb-এর past
participle form হয়। যেমন:
The work can (do) ....... immediately. ✔ Ans:- The
work can be done immediately.
Let, had rather, had better, would better, do not, does not, need not, did not,
did never ইত্যাদির পরে Verb-এর present form হয়। যেমন: I let
the other boys (use) my skates. (use)
Sentence-এ have/has
থাকলে Sentenceটি present
perfect Tense হবে। যেমন:
She has (write) a letter to her mother. (written)
Sentence-এ just,
just now, already, recently, lately, ever, yet ইত্যাদি থাকলে তা present
perfect Tense হয়। যেমন:
Rabeya (take)—her dinner
just now. (has taken)
✐Rule-10: Sentence-এ yesterday, ago, long ago, last week,
last year, last month, that day, day before yesterday প্রভৃতি অতীত নির্দেশক শব্দ থাকলে তা Past
Indefinite Tense হবে । যেমন:
The boy (go)—home
yesterday. (went)
To- এর পরে Verb-
এর present form হয়। যেমন: She
went to New Market to (buy)—a
dress. (buy)
‘Since’ বা ‘for’
এর পরে সময় উল্লেখ থাাকলে senteneটি present
perfect Continuous Tense হবে। যেমন: It (rain)—for two hours. (has been raining)
✐Rule-13: with a view to/look forward to এর পরে Verb এর সহিত ing যোগ হয়। যেমন: I went there with a view to (read)—there. (reading)
✐Rule-14: By-এর পরে Verb এর সহিত ing যোগ হয়। যেমন:
(a) He expressed his grief by (say)—that
the thief had stolen his watch. (saying)
✐Rule-15: in/ of/
for/ with/ without/ before/ after প্রভৃতি Peposition- এর পরে Verb এর সহিত ing যোগ হয়। যেমন: I don’t
believe in (overload)—my stomach.
Mind, would you mind, worth, past, can not help, could not help - এর পরে Verb এর সহিত ing যোগ হয়। যেমন:
(a) Would you mind (give)—me a pen?
Sentence এর শুরুতে যদি would
that থাকে তাহলে subject
এর পরে could বসে এবং Verb এর Present form হয়। যেমন: Would
that I (go)—to the moon.
Sentence এ ‘to
be’/having/got থাকলে মূল Verb
এর Past
participle হয়। যেমন:
The thief ran away having (see)—the
policeman. (seen)
ব্রাকেটে (be) থাকলে person,
number এবং tense
অনুযায়ী am/is/are/Was/were/been
হবে যেমন: Allah
✐Rule-20: বর্তমানে চলছে এমন কোনো কাজ বুঝলে present Continuous Tense হয়। (এসব ক্ষেত্রে সাধারণত Now, at present, at this moment ইত্যাদি ব্যবহার করা হয়)। যেমন: Now the students (sing)—the national anthem. (are singing)
✐Rule-21: If যুক্ত causeটি Present Indefinite tense হলে অপর Clauseটি Future Indefinite Tense হয়; অর্থাৎ [If +Present Indefinite +Future Indefinite] যেমন: If you walk slowly, you (miss)—the train. (will miss)
lf/Had যুক্ত clauseটি Past
Indefinite Tense হলে অপর clause-এর Subject-এর পরে would/could/might
বসে এবং Verb -এর Present Form বসে। যেমন: If he
requested me, I (go) — there. (would
Sentence-এ lf/Had
যুক্ত clauseটি Past perfect
Tense হলে অপর অংশটিতে
Subject-এর পরে অর্থভেদে would have/could have/might have বসে এবং verb-এর past
participle হয়। যেমন:
If he had invited, I (go)—. (would have
Sentence-এ wish,
fancy, it is time, it is high time ইত্যাদি থাকলে Verb এর Past Tense হয় এবং (be) থাকলেই were হয়। যেমন: I wish I (win)—the first prize in the lottery.
✐Rule-25: Sentence-এ যদি as if, as though ইত্যাদি থাকে তাহলে বন্ধনীস্থ (be) এর স্থলে were বসে। যেমন: He speaks as if he (be)—the owner of the farm. (were)
Sentence- এ
each, every, everyone, anyone, any, many a, everybody, everything, anybody,
nobody, no one, nothing, anything, something, someone, one of, either, neither ইতাদি থাকলে verb-এর Singular
Number হয়। যেমন:
(a) Every mother (love)—her child.
(loves), One of the students (be)—very
brilliant. (is/was)
✐Rule-27: While-এর ঠিক পরই ব্রাকেটের মধ্যে যে Verb থাকে তার সঙ্গে ing যোগ হয়। কিন্তু While-এর পরে Subject থাকলে While-এর অংশটি Past Continuous Tense হয়। যেমন: While (walk)—in the garden, a snake bit him. (walking)
✐Rule-28: একই দৈর্ঘ্য. পরিমাণ বা স্থান বোঝালে Subject দেখতে Plural হলেও verb এর Singular Number হয়। যেমন: Previously fifty miles (be)—a long way. (was)
✐Rule-29: Main Clause-এর Verbটি Past Tense-এর হলে এবং পরের অংশে next day, next week, next month, next year ইত্যাদি উল্লেখ থাকলে Subject-পরে would/should বসে এবং Verb–এর Present Form হয়। যেমন: He said that he (go)........home the next day. (would go)
✐Rule-30: After এর পরে এবং before এর পূর্বের clauseটি past perfect tense হয় এবং অন্য clauseটি past indefinite tense হয়। যেমন: The doctor (come)_before the patient came. (had come)
✐Rule-31: Sentence টি Passive voice হলে Tense ও Person অনুযায়ী Auxiliary Verb ও Verb-এর Past participle বসাতে হবে এবং gap-এর পরে Subject থাকলে by বসাতে হবে। যেমন: English (speak) all over the world. (is spoken), English (speak)_ the English. (is spoken by)
✐Rule-32: কিছু ব্যতিক্রম ছাড়া Principal Clause-এর Verb যদি Past Tense এর হয় তবে Subordinate Clause-এর Verb-ও Past Tense-এ হবে এবং একটি Present হলে অপরটি Present হবে। যেমন: The man was so ill that he (will)...........not be able to attend the meeting. (would)
Important Rules of Right Form of Verb:
✐RULE 1: Singular Subject = Singular Verb, Plural Subject = Plural verb. যেমন: Shahin is a meritorious student. Vehicles create traffic jam.
✐RULE 2: Preposition: ( in, at, on, of, for, from, by, with, without, before, after, into, across, about ) + noun or Verb + ing. যেমন: Children are fond of using mobile Phone.
✐RULE 3: To + Verb1 but (Addicted to, Adverse to, Be used to, With a view to, Look forward to, Get used to, Be accustomed to) + Verb + ing. যেমন: Shimu went to London to get a good job. We are looking forward to hearing from you.
✐RULE 5: The + noun or verb + ing + of. যেমন: The necessity of learning English is indescribable.
✐RULE 6: (Can,
could, may, might, Shall, should, will, would, must, used to, have to, need,
dare, ought to) + V1. যেমন:
He can do the Sum.
It may rain today.
✐RULE 7: While + Verb + ing. যেমন: While walking in the garden, I saw a snake.
✐RULE 8: (have, has, had, get, got, getting, having) + V3 or Adjective. যেমন: She got married yesterday.
✐RULE 9:
Passive Voice : (Can be, could be, may be , might be, Shall be, should be, will
be, would be, must be, used to be, have to be, ought to be ) + V3. যেমন: The work
ought to be done.
He will be helped by me.
✐RULE 11: There + is/was/has + Singular Subject. এবং There + are/were/have + plural Sub. যেমন: There is a Mosque in our village. There are two ponds in our Village.
✐RULE 12:
(Each, every, one, any) + one or more singular Sub. + Singular Verb. যেমন: Each boy and
each girl was present there.
Every boy and girl has been given 100 tk.
✐RULE 13: (Somebody, Someone) + Singular verb, (some boys, Some toys) + plural verb. যেমন: Someone has stolen the pen. Some boys have failed in the examination.
✐RULE 14: (any, none, each, every, either, neither, one) + of + plural Sub. + singular Verb. যেমন: One of the boys is present there. None of them was present there.
✐RULE 15: ( Population, public, crowd, army, congress, committee, team, government, family, pair, dozen, scenery, knowledge, hundred, thousand, furniture, machinery, information, bread, money, advice, poetry, gallows, ethics, mathematics, physics, news, electronics, dynamics, 2/3….dollars, 2/3….miles, ) + singular verb. যেমন: Ill news runs a pace. Physics is a critical subject.
✐RULE 16: (people, spectacles, trousers, scissors, benches, cloths, goods, headquarters, vegetables, laws, police, cattle, folk, circumstances, gentry.) + plural verb. যেমন: His circumstances are not good. Vegetables contain vitamin.
✐RULE 17: (who, whose, whom, which, that) follow only their before subject to choose a verb. যেমন: It is I who am your friend.
✐RULE 18: Prefer to + verb + ing যেমন: Lata prefers to reading newspaper.
✐RULE 19: (Feel, love, hear, like, hate, see, forget, consist, seem, sound, smell, believe, know, wish, doubt, prefer, imagine, fear, taste, astonish, please, understand) they are used in present Indefinite tense not in continuous tense. যেমন: I see the bird. I hear news.
✐RULE 20: Distance/money/time + singular verb. যেমন: Thirty miles is a long way.
✐RULE 21 : Arithmetical Operations ( singular verb). যেমন:Ten minus five is five.
✐RULE 22: (Always, regularly, generally, usually, occasionally, normally, naturally, frequently, everyday, daily, often) = Present Indefinite Tense. যেমন: English usually helps to get good job.
✐RULE 23: (now, at this/the moment, at present, day by day, increasingly, rapidly.) = Present continuous Tense. যেমন: He is eating now.
✐RULE 24: (yesterday, one day, ago, once, last, after a few days, last night, once upon a time, in the past, previously.) = Past Indefinite Tense. যেমন: I received your letter yesterday.
✐RULE 25: (Just, just now, already, yet, ever, lately, recently, immediately.) = present Perfect Tense. যেমন: He has transferred from Dhaka recently.
✐RULE 26: (mind/worth/without/get used to/got used to/ be used to/past, can’t help, couldn’t help, would you mind) + verb + ing. যেমন: Would you mind having a cup of tea?
✐RULE 27: Active voice – (am, is, are, was, were, have been, has been, had been, shall be, will be, shall have been, will have been) + verb + ing. যেমন: Rana is doing the sum.
✐RULE 28: (ask, decide, demand, forget, happen, hope, learn, manage, neglect, offer, plain, prepare, promise, remember, seem, try, want) + to. যেমন: Shihab neglects to his friend. It seems to me false.
✐RULE 29: (had better, had rather, would better, would rather, let, must, need, dare, make, would sooner, had sooner) + verb1. যেমন: He had better read newspaper regularly.
✐RULE 30: (It is time, It is high time, wish, fancy) = Past Indefinite. যেমন: It is high time we developed our country.
✐RULE 31: Lest…. Should… যেমন: Walk fast lest you should miss the train.
✐RULE 32: (if, wish, as if, as though) unreal past = were. যেমন: I wish I were a king.
✐RULE 33: If Past Indefinite tense, Sub + would/could/might + verb1. যেমন: If I were a doctor, I could treat the poor.
✐RULE 34: If +
Present Indefinite, future Indefinite tense. or
Sub. + may/can/shall/will + v1. যেমন: If he runs in the rain, he will catch cold. If it rains, I
will not go out.
✐RULE 35: If + present perfect tense, Sub. + might have/could have/ would have + verb 3. যেমন: If I had seen him, I might have told him the news.
✐RULE 36: Present Indefinite or Present perfect tense + since + Past Indefinite tense. যেমন: It is many years since I came to Dhaka.
✐RULE 37: Past Indefinite tense + since + Past perfect tense. যেমন: Many years passed since I had seen her last.
✐RULE 38: Past
Perfect + before + past Indefinite.
past Indefinite + after + past perfect. যেমন: The patient had died
before the doctor came. The patient died after the doctor had come.
✐RULE 39: Beginning of the sentence- verb + ing or to + v1 (gerund, infinitive). যেমন: Rising early is a good habit. To take drugs leads a man to death.
✐RULE 40: Verb + (how/ what/ when/ which/ why) + to. যেমন: He knows what to do.
✐RULE 41: Things = interesting, person = interested. যেমন: History is very interesting subject. I am very much interested to meet him.
✐RULE 42: Uncountable noun (water, air, tea, sugar, environment, furniture, kindness, rainfall, reputation, wood, paper, gum, courtesy, earth, bread, oxygen, smoke, Bangla, English.) + singular verb. যেমন: Air is very important element of the environment.
✐RULE 45: No sooner had….than, Scarcely had…..when, hardly had…before/when. যেমন: No sooner had he seen the police than he ran away.
✐RULE 46: If Simple Sentence contains two main verbs,
It may be 2nd verb with ing or to + 2nd verb with present form. যেমন: I
saw him going.
৩৩ তম বিসিএস সাধারণ শিক্ষা ক্যাডার কর্মকর্তা